Mission & Vision Gwen's vision has always been to give a voice to animals who have none.
Horses speak in silence; without words. Therefore let all listen to the silence in their own hearts and respect what the horse is speaking. "Be the change you want to see in your horse." MEANING of the name PENZANCE: "God's Holy Headland; A place for spiritual growth." MISSION STATEMENT --To foster a greater understanding and awareness of Equine Behavior and Care for Horse Enthusiasts world-wide through education in real time and in virtual settings. --To provide a sanctuary for those horses and humans whose hearts or bodies have been broken. --To always project a positive kind and gentle image. --To be an example for other Equine enthusiasts throughout the world. --To share God's Blessings and Grace as He has given to us and to be a light in the darkness for others. |
Calendar Coming Soon! Meanwhile, take a look HERE for more 'stuff' about Gwen, more articles, more videos etc. If you would like to schedule a workshop or clinic with Gwen, please use our contact form to the right and give a holler! Gwen is presently accepting limited private or semi-private students. Please contact her at: +1 (508) 476-1317 or Complete the form to the right. ----------------------------------------- NEW 2013!! Apprenticeships @ PENZANCE!! Penzance is offering a new program for those who wish to APPRENTICE and learn "PENZANCE Equine Progressive Horsemanship" ... we'd like to congratulate our first two apprentices of the season - Barbara Bliss of Two Hearts Mustang Wellness Center, Inc., Rehoboth, MA! and Monika Martin of Balanced Hoof Services, Danbury, NH Welcome, Barbara and Monika! If you'd like to learn more about our Apprenticeship Program please fill out the form to the right. We'll contact you shortly after receiving your email. |
Contact :: Ask question, make comments, sign up for our newsletter ... I'd love to hear from you! foxyform 7 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; 8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. 9 Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this? 10 In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind. ~Job 12:7-10 |
The wolf (black) brings
learning with him; he tells us that sometimes we must cross barriers in
our lives; take risks and to even sometimes go beyond what is
considered "normal" behavior in order that we may learn and grow. These
barriers may be difficult and painful to cross at times but knowledge
is gained through experience; and strength is gained through battles.
White Wolf 11-2012: The White Wolf is a reminder to keep your spirit alive and trust your instincts to find the way that will best suit you. Patient | Loyal | Intelligent | Intuitive | Good Communicators | Wise | Creative Problem Solvers. |